Childminder and nursery groups
We have specific memberships aimed at local Childminders and Nursery Schools. We want to help ignite the children’s curiosity and enthusiasm for learning, through appreciation of our native wildlife and natural woodland.
Our parks provide a fantastic outdoor setting in which children can develop a respect for living things and the natural world, whilst extending their learning and encouraging them to take safe risks in all seven areas of the Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) Learning.
An all year-round membership allows you to re-visit animals throughout the year and enables you to look at patterns in the natural environment from the new-born wild boar, red squirrels building their dreys for winter, to the changing of colour of the leaves on the trees through the seasons.
From short visits making use of the extensive play equipment to full days armed with lunchboxes and drawing pads, Wildwood is a perfect addition to your curriculum.
What makes Wildwood the ideal learning experience for your children?
How can we help tie in with EYFS learning?
At the Wildwood Trust, we understand that every child is unique and constantly learning from their surroundings. To see how we can help you further with all seven areas of EYFS learning, click here.
If you have any questions, feel free to give us a call and speak to one of the team at Kent on 01227 712111 or Devon on 01404 822188 to discuss how to start your very own childminder or nursery adventure with us.