Research application form

Wildwood Research Application Form

Personal information
Emergency details
Medical conditions
You may come into contact with hay, straw, sawdust, nuts, fungi, pollen, animals of all kinds (we have adders, which are venomous snakes), other materials and tools during activities. Please acknowledge that you are aware of this.
Final write up terms
Wildwood requires a copy of your final write up to use at its discretion and to forward on to BIAZA. Before publishing research findings on any platform, you MUST send a final draft for approval. Please tick to confirm you agree to these terms.
University/College information
Research proposed
On which days do you intend to collect data?
At what time of day do you intend collecting data?
Method statement/abstact
Please use this section to provide as much information about your project as possible. The information will be used during our decision making process, so it is important to include the specific details or your proposed methods. Applications received without the required level of information will not be considered.
I confirm and agree that this project has been approved by the university/college ethics committee
I agree that should you wish to change your current method statement as outlined in this application, it will be agreed in advance with your supervisor and Tyrone Capel from Wildwood Trust
I agree that dates for data collection are agreed with Tyrone Capel in advance
I agree that when collecting data at Wildwood, you will sign in at the main entrance to receive a 'reseacher' lanyard which you will wear at all times and return when you sign out
I consent to Wildwood collecting and processing information relating to me and my personal data in accordance with the Privacy policy on Wildwood's website.
Application declaration
I confirm that the information given in this form is true to the best of my knowledge.

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