
Malenky & Nanuq

Bear Fundraiser


We face an urgent new mission: two bear cubs in desperate need of a new home after their mother was rescued from the war in Ukraine.

One year-old bear cubs Malenky and Nanuq are faced with an uncertain future. Their mother, a survivor of the ongoing conflict in Ukraine, was rescued from unimaginable circumstances on the front line, trapped in northern Ukraine by advancing troops and weeks of bombing.

As the conflict moved east, rescue teams were finally able to get in and she was taken to Poland, crossing the border amongst thousands of refugees also fleeing the war. With most emergency shelters quickly filling up, she was moved between different zoos before being brought to safety in Belgium and against all odds gave birth to the twins, offering a symbol of hope amid turmoil.

These cubs have endured an extraordinary tale of resilience and survival, but now, they desperately need your help to find a safe and loving forever home.




We need to give these bear cubs a home so they can start a new chapter in their life, one where they can be safe to grow and play and explore, and never know the horrors their mum faced. They are temporarily being housed in a small enclosure alongside four other bears, but have quickly outgrown the space and need a home of their own. They have the chance for a better life here at Wildwood.

We need your help to move these bears to Wildwood Devon, where they can live in a woodland haven with our bears Mish and Lucy. We need to raise £75,000 by March to transport these bears and give them the home they deserve.

Together, we can be the lifeline these cubs need. Be a part of their story, and bring these cubs home to ensure they have a bright, happy future.




20240407 Malenky (Links) & Nanuq (Rechts)

From the front line to their forever home. Bring Malenky and Nanuq home!

They’ve endured so much - now they need a place to heal, grow, and thrive.


At Wildwood Devon we’ve built the perfect woodland sanctuary for rescuing bears, a space for them to rehabilitate and give them the chance to become bears again. With platforms to climb, a pond to play in, woodland to explore, and dens for them to hibernate and find safety, we can provide Malenky and Nanuq with everything they need. We need your help to bring these bears home, and give them the life they deserve.

Bears are incredibly social animals, and one of the best ways to help them learn and grow is to let them interact and play with other bears of a similar age. Wildwood are the only place that can provide that for Malenky and Nanuq, and this will also be really beneficial for Mish and Lucy at Wildwood Devon.

Can you help us write the next chapter of their story?

Every donation makes a HUGE difference!

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